The editorial board and the editorial office of the Journal of Economics and Social Research have adopted ethical guidelines for publishing scientific papers, discussions, reports and reviews aimed at developing economic theory and practice, and creating a space for scientific and expert discussion on current economic and social problems in Slovakia and in the European context.
The ethical guidelines set out rights and obligations of all parties involved in the publishing process, which are the authors, the journal (publisher, editorial board and editorial office) and the reviewers, to ensure the maximum quality, neutrality, objectivity and transparency of the Journal of Economics and Social Research.
The ethical guidelines are binding for all entities involved in publishing the Journal of Economics and Social Research.
The ethical guidelines of the Journal of Economics and Social Research have been designed according to the Core Practices developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
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Duties of the Journal (Publisher and Editorial Board)
- The journal is committed to act towards all stakeholders in the publishing process in accordance with the ethical standards of the Journal of Economics and Social Research, good morals and the exclusion of any racial, sexual, religious, ethnic or political discrimination.
- Information from the submitted manuscript may be made available only to the corresponding author, reviewers, members of the editorial board, editorial office and publisher.
- Manuscripts are included in individual issues on the basis of a decision of the editorial board and the editorial office. This decision is based on the opinions of reviewers. The manuscript must be in line with the objectives of the journal and must contribute to the development of economic theory and practice.
- The academic value of the manuscript is assessed in an anonymous peer review process. Manuscripts are reviewed by at least two reviewers. If the reviewers’ opinions differ significantly in the evaluation, the editor also appoint a third reviewer. The reviewers and editor evaluate also the originality of the paper to avoid plagiarism.
- Only informative manuscripts, reports and reviews are accepted without review.
- The journal undertakes to resolve any complaints, archive them and rectify them in cooperation with the complainant.
- Editors or members of the editorial board who publish in their own journal must not abuse their position.
Duties of authors
- Before sending the manuscript, the author is obliged to get acquainted with the Instructions for authors and the Ethical guidelines of the Journal of Economics and Social Research.
- The author submits his article through the official email of the editors according to the instructions published on the journal’s website.
- The submitted manuscript must be original, authentic and based on the author’s own research. The results in the manuscript must be presented objectively and clearly and the content of the manuscript must be in line with the objectives of the journal.
- The manuscript submitted for consideration must not contain substantial parts of previously published manuscripts.
- Misleading or knowingly incorrect statements are considered unethical behavior and are unacceptable.
- Plagiarism is unacceptable in all its forms.
- The author declares that the manuscript was written in accordance with the standards of scientific work. If the author cites or paraphrases the words and/or work of another author or authors, this author or authors must be included in the references section.
- The author declares that he has full and unlimited copyright to the manuscript.
- It is not allowed for the author to send the editors of the journal a manuscript that is the subject of assessment in another journal, or to send this manuscript to another journal after it was received by the editors of the Journal of Economics and Social Research for review until the final decision of the Journal of Economics and Social Research on publication of this manuscript is given.
- If the manuscript includes part of another author’s work (text or figure), it is necessary to request the consent of the copyright holder from the original author and state the source in the manuscript in accordance with copyright law.
- The manuscript lists all authors who have made a significant contribution to the final form of the manuscript.
- The author who is responsible for the manuscript is obliged to secure the consent of all co-authors of the manuscript (if there are more) that they agree with the manuscript final wording and submission for its publication.
- If the author discovers a serious error in his published work, they are obliged to immediately inform the editors and cooperate in the correction or withdrawal of the manuscript from the process of its publication.
- By submitting the manuscript, the author gives the journal the free right to publish it in both printed and electronic form.
- The author agrees to include the resulting article in all databases in which the journal is or will be registered.
- The author also agrees to include their name, surname, work place and contact e-mail address in the article.
- If the manuscript has been prepared with the financial support or participation of another person, it is necessary to clearly state these facts, including the source of financial support – a project, sponsor or grant.
- The author acknowledges all the obligations above by signing the form “Declaration of originality”.
Duties of reviewers
- The reviewer assists the editorial office and the editorial board in deciding on the publication of the manuscript of the article. Comments from reviewers in peer review serve to increase the quality of the submitted manuscript.
- The submitted manuscript is always evaluated by at least two external reviewers.
- A reviewer who feels unqualified to review a manuscript not matching their area of expertise, or who knows that they will not be able to do the review within the deadline, should notify the editors and excuse themselves from the review process within seven days of requesting the review.
- Any manuscript received for review must be treated as confidential by the reviewer. The manuscript may not be shown to anyone or discussed with anyone other than with the exception granted by the scientific editor of the journal. The reviewers’ reports are confidential.
- The reviewer will complete the reviewer’s report form and sumbit to the editor by e-mail within 20 days from the acceptance of the invitation to review.
- Peer review must be conducted objectively. Reviewers should express their views professionally and clearly with supporting arguments. Personal criticism of the author is not acceptable.
- Reviewers evaluate the content and formal aspects of submitted manuscripts. Reviewers are required to point out any errors of the author, as well as other shortcomings of the manuscript.
- Reviewers will notify the editor if they find out that similar scientific articles have already been published in other journals or proceedings. Reviewers will notify the editor if the author has not used relevant sources in the manuscript to support their claims.
- The result of peer review may be acceptance without editing, modification, reworking or rejection of the manuscript.
- Reviewers should not evaluate articles that may give rise to conflicts of interest resulting from competitive or other relationships with the authors of the manuscript.
- The reviewer undertakes not to misuse the information and ideas obtained through peer review for their own benefit.
- The editorial office provides the author and members of the editorial board with anonymous peer reviews as a basis for deciding whether the manuscript can be published in the journal.
Handling complaints
- Unethical behavior or suspicion of violation of the ethical guidelines of the Journal of Economics and Social Research in any form must be reported to the journal without delay. In order to investigate the case in question, all information and evidence must be provided to the journal regarding this matter.
- In the case of ethical complaints about a submitted or published manuscript, the editor will initiate an impartial investigation. An impartial investigation usually consists of contacting the author of the manuscript and a proper assessment of the complaint or claims by the journal or an impartial person.
- If the investigation reveals shortcomings, the result may be a written notice to the person concerned with a warning or withdrawal of the article, or the entire issue of the journal and a ban on publishing, reviewing articles or performing any activity in the journal.
- In the event of a serious breach of ethical standards, the final result of the investigation may be reported to the professional organization, the author’s employer or it may be passed on to the higher authority for further investigation and imposing measures, depending on the nature of malpractice.